Mental models I follow

Mental models I follow


One day while scrolling the internet, I came across this blog post.

It talked about this idea of Mental models and how Charlie Munger’s decision making process is just codified into simple and short processes. When he comes across a problem he can just apply a mental model to come up with the least wrong answer. It was brilliant, and simple. I was hooked. I wanted my own toolbox of mental models.

I went to all the people I looked up to (Munger, Bezos, Jobs, etc..) and tried to find what mental models they live by.

I adopted their’s and created my own. These have allowed me to make bigger decisions quicker.

  1. If unsure what action to take, let your 80 year old self make it.
  2. How someone does one thing, is how they do everything.
  3. If procrastinating on an item, you only have 2 options:
    1. Make the pain of not doing it, greater than the pain of doing it.
    2. Make the pleasure of doing it, greater than not doing it.
  4. If stuck with 2 equal options, pick the one that feels like it will produce the most luck later down the line.
  5. Bragging razor
    1. If someone brags about their success or happiness, assume it’s half of what they claim
    2. If someone downplays their success or happiness, assume it’s double.
  6. If you have two choices to make and it’s 50/50, take the path that’s more painful in the short-term.
  7. If a task is worth less than your hourly rate:
    1. Outsource it
    2. Automate it
    3. Delete it
  8. The more uncomfortable the activity, the more likely it will lead to growth.