How I plan my weeks

How I plan my weeks


  1. Start with a blank sheet of paper (or blank google doc). Create a to-do list in 4 different categories:
    1. Business
    2. Health
    3. Finance
    4. Family
  2. Go through your calendar to see who you need to follow up with.
    1. Look back 90 days from now.
    2. If there were any leaks add them to your to-do list.
  3. Make a list of everyone that needs to hear from you this week:
    1. Your list may contain: vendors, partners, executives, and clients.
    2. Include the type of message you want to deliver.
      1. Is it an update?
      2. Is it a report?
      3. Is it encouragement, or congratulatory?
  4. Prepare Notes — find what training and meetings you have; prepare appropriately.
    1. Gather your data, finish your presentation decks, and identify whatever notes you need before Monday starts.
  5. Send thankful gifts — for a birthday, anniversary, or thankful gifts.
  6. Ask family for commitments — make sure you know when and where they need you during the week.
  7. Read — News, articles, and books to gain new knowledge you can translate into your weekly tasks.
  8. Study data to stay on top of all your numbers.
    1. Look at last years quarter vs. this year.
    2. Do as much digging as you can so you can start knowing where your business stands before anyone sets foot into the office.
  9. Prepare clothes — set out all the clothes you plan on wearing to work & the gym the night before.